How Can We Help You?
By evaluating your sleep patterns in our safe, comfortable and homelike environment, we are able to collect incredibly valuable data and make recommendations, or suggest treatments, that will improve the quality of your sleep, energy levels and overall well-being.
Pre-Study Questionnaire
Fill out prior to your arrival to our facility for your study
HST Questionnaire
Please complete prior to your in-home sleep study
On the day of your sleep study:
- Continue all medications as normal. Bring any evening medications with you. If you take something to help you sleep, you may bring it with you to take before bed.
- Do not consume any caffeine for 12 hours before your sleep study.
- Do not consume any alcohol at all the day of your study.
- Do not take a nap the day of your sleep study.
- Please do not shower nor apply any hairspray, gel, mousse to your hair right before the study. There will be electrodes placed on your body that are attached to wires. The electrodes adhere better if the skin hasn’t been washed recently.
On the evening of your sleep study:
- Please eat dinner before coming to the sleep lab. We will provide you with caffeine free beverages in the evening.
- Bring all medications and respiratory/sleep equipment if applicable.
- Please plan to arrive at your scheduled in-time. You do not need to come in any earlier than 8:30 p.m./ 9:30 p.m.
- Please bring your insurance card so we can make sure your information is current.
- Wear or bring comfortable pajamas, or what you are comfortable sleeping in.
- Showers are available for the next morning, so please bring your toiletries if you want to take a shower.
- You may also bring something to read if you prefer; there is cable television and magazines in each room. Lights are out by 11 p.m.
- The study will be over by 6 a.m. the next morning. We need to get at least 6 hours of sleep time to have the doctor read your results.
- We provide morning beverages such as juice and coffee for you in the morning after you wake up.
- We will call you as soon as we receive your results, they will come back within a week.